How Do We Know ?
Thanks to a French researcher in the 1930's by the name of Antoinne Bovis, we have a means to measure the "life force" or "natural earth energy" present in water, plants, rock formations and the like. Ranging from zero to infinity, those trained in the required intuitive methods can assign a "bovis" value to whatever they measure. For example, human beings show a reading on the bovis scale of 6,500. To us, anything else with a reading of 6,500 is essentially neutral. Anything with a bovis scale reading less than 6,500 is negative, or energy depleting to us and anything registering above 6,500 is essentially energy invigorating or enhancing to us.

Water from wells, public water supplies or the bottles you buy from the store typically range from 4,000 to 5,000 bovis. In some very unusual situations one might find a natural source where the reading would fall upwards to 6,000 bovis but this is very rare exception. With all of our available water falling in the negative range when compared to the 6,500 neutral level of the human body, it's easy to see how our water is actually sapping us of our vital energy reserves.
In addition to the bovis scale, leading edge research in the area of biophysics, has uncovered another way to measure the life force or energy level of living organisms. In one of the hottest fields of frontier science, Biophysicists have identified an intriguing natural occurrence called "biophotons".
"Biophotons are ultraweak photon emissions of biological systems. These weak electromagnetic waves occur in the optical range of the spectrum - and are in other words: light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment developed by German researchers."
Though a full examination of biophotons and the exciting developments in biophysics is beyond the scope of this site, we will be adding an excellent summary of the subject here shortly. Suffice it to say that biophotons can be used to assess the relative health or disease of cells within a human body and confirm that an essential energy based life force is the basis of all cells and hence, all of human life.