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Why Revitalize?
Our Water is Dead|How Do We Know?|Importance of Spin|What Can We Do?|
Lifestyle Damages Our Bodies|Special Properties of Water
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The Importance of Spin

In addition, scientific research has recently recognized that there is a direct correlation between a positive or negative bovis measurement and the direction in which the atoms of the water molecule spin. It was discovered that things measuring below 6,500 Bovis have molecules that spin to the right (dextrorotatory) and exhibit life depleting characteristics.  Cancer cells for example, exhibit right turning molecules.  Living things measuring above 6,500 Bovis, exhibit left turning molecules (levorotatory) and exhibit life enhancing characteristics.

Can We Do Something About It?

Fortunately for all of us the answer is a resounding YES! After being diagnosed with cancer, German researcher Manfred Bauer, set off on his own journey to discover both the cause of his illness and a way to arrest or reverse it's effects.  What he discovered was a unique process by which ordinary water could be energized to levels much higher than the neutral point of 6,500 bovis. Once the energizing process it's self was perfected, it was a natural progression for  Bauer to begin manufacturing products that would enable anyone to energize their own water, food and environment which all directly serve to improve the energy of the human body as well.

These products or  "energy appliances" contain water or a water based gel that has been energized to a level of up to 2.5 million bovis!   Any liquid or food item placed in or in close proximity of these appliances can actually take on some of the energetic vibration of the appliance thereby substantially increasing the bovis level of the food/liquid it's self.  The molecular "spin" of the food/liquid changes to the life enhancing positive left spin without depleting the bovis level of the appliance.  Incredible you may think! Yes - but true! All made possible because water is a a truly unique and amazing natural resource which possesses many special properties.  It not only sustains and nourishes us, it also serves as the medium through which this astounding energy transfer, from appliance to food/liquid  occurs.



What's Bad About Water:
The Drinking Water Book: A Complete Guide to Safe Drinking Water by Colin Ingram

Don't Drink the Water: The Essential Guide to Our Contaminated Drinking Water and What You Can Do About It by Lono A'O Thomas Grignon, Susan Tinkle

The Water We Drink: Water Quality and Its Effects on Health by Joshua I. Barzilay, Winkler, M.D. Weinberg, J. William Eley

Fluoride the Aging Factor: How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride by John, Dr. Yiamouyiannis

Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death by Barry Groves, Vyvyan Howard
Energy Science & Physics 
Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets: Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic Vibration

Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It by William Lyne
The Importance of Ph
Biobalance: The Acid/Alkaline Solution to the Food-Mood-Health Puzzle by Rudolf A. Wiley, Rudolph A. Wiley

Alkalize or Die by Theodore A. Baroody

The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health by R. Young, J. Clayson, S. Young
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